This is a draft constitution for AACCA which has been meticulously compiled by Sir Prithvi Raj Luthra, the present President of AACCA, and mailed to all the contacts he had for review.
We had a meeting on 09/08/2010 with members of the current body and senior Alumni regarding changes to this draft and incorporating as many suggestions as they could.
Since all the alumni were not aware about this and couldn't put their suggestions forward, we are circulating the original draft along with the decisions taken during the meeting as well as some proposals that we put forward from the students side to as many people as we can.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanking you,
Mayank Ojha
(CASA President)
Dhruv Bahl
(CASA Alumni Coordinator)
Gurinder Singh Cheema
(CASA Assistant Alumni Coordinator)
PS - Please subscribe to http://cca-alumni.blogspot.com for regular updates till www.ccaalumni.com starts working again.
----- The message... -----
Dear Alumni CCA friends,
I am sending you a Draft for the Constitution of Alumni Association CCA of which we all are very important part. Kindly go through this, discuss with your other Alumni CCA friends and send back your observations/comments positively within seven days as we are planning to meet very shortly.
I had sent this to some whose mailing addresses were with me. I have searched few more addresses and thus sending this again in this lot. I have already received observations/suggestion/comments from some friends.
So let us get fast so that our body could be registered with a Constitution and we are able to contribute our share of celebration of Golden Jublee of CCA. Once we get going this Constitution can be subsequently amended from time to time and tried & tested clauses can be added to or substracted form it.
So waiting to hear from you soon.
Ar.P.R. Luthra
( 1961-66 Batch)
1. Name of the Association
The name of the Association shall be “ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF
2. Head Office
The head office of the Association Shall be at Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh .
3. Aims and Objects
The following shall be the aims and objects of the Association:
1) To foster the spirit of brotherhood and comradeship amongst the alumni of the Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh .
2) To arrange and collect funds to finances for the welfare of Alumni and Students of Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh .
3) To organize professional, social and cultural functions.
4) To further the interests of the Chandigarh College of Architecture (CCA), Chandigarh , in general.
5) To provide a forum for the Alumni of CCA, Chandigarh for exchange of ideas and views on educational, cultural, social and academic problems.
6) To publish literature, papers and journals containing Professional heights achieved by members and news from various Chapters of their activities for the fulfillment of the objects of the Association.
7) To look after the interest of the Alumni of CCA, Chandigarh .
8) To open Chapters of the Association.
9) To do all other acts in furtherance of the objects of the Association.
2. Membership
a) ENTITLEMENT: The following categories of persons shall be entitled to be
enrolled as members of the Association:
1) Persons who have graduated from the CCA Chandigarh.
2) final year students of CCA shall be the registered as students members and
shall have voting rights.
b) CATEGORIES OF MEMBERS: There will be following categories of members:
1) Life Member
2) Ordinary Member
3) Honorary Member
1) Life Member : Rs.1000/-(NRI/Overseas:US$100 or Equivalent
2) Ordinary Member : Rs.200/- per annum (financial year basis)
5. Office Bearers
The following shall be the office bearer of the Association:
1) President: One
2) Vice President One
3) General Secretary One
4) Joint Secretaries Five
5) Treasure One
6) Executive Members Six
7) Co-opted members Six
8) special Invitees Five.
Executive council shall invite any of the following in any meeting…
a) Chapter Heads Three or the number of Chapters in existence.
b) Monitors One from each batch.
6. Executive Council
1) The Executive Council of the Association shall consist of 17 members. The immediate outgoing President shall be an ex-offico member of the Executive Council. The Executive Council shall frame the bye- laws of the Association.
7. Term of the Executive Council
Term of the Executive Council shall be three years. The outgoing Executive Council shall ensure smooth and unbiased election of the new Executive Council before their exit.
8. Duties and Functions of Office Bearer
a) President
1) The President shall preside over the meeting of the Associates, the meetings of
the Executive Council and all other functions that may be organized by the
2) The President shall be the custodian of the property and interest of the Association.
3) He shall call special meetings of the Executive Council/General Body of the Association if a written requisition signed by at least 7 members in case of Executive Council and 30 members in case of the Association is presented to him.
b) Vice- President
1) He shall perform the duties and functions of the President in the absence of the
2) He shall perform such other duties and functions as may be entrusted to him by
the President or the Executive Council.
c) General Secretary
1) He will be the custodian of all the records and documents of the Association.
2) He will be responsible for the safe custody of the funds of the Association.
3) He will call and arrange meetings of the Executive Council and the General Body meetings of the Association.
4) He will record the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Council and the General Body meeting of the Association.
5) He will represent the Association in all legal proceedings and sign all legal documents on behalf of the Association.
6) He will maintain an up-to-date register of members and of all subscriptions and donations.
7) He will maintain a property register and all such register as may be necessary in connection with the work of the Association.
1) He will assist the Secretary in the discharge of his duties and functions.
2) He will be help in the maintenance of the Accounts of the Association.
3) He will perform such other duties and functions as may be entrusted to him by the Executive Council.
7. Meetings of the Association
a) At least one meeting of the Association shall be held during each
Calendar year, which will called the ‘Annual General Meeting’.
b) Other general meeting can be called by the Secretary in consultation
with the President.
c) Special Meetings shall be called by the President, if a written requisition
signed by at least 30 members is presented to him stating the business for
which the meeting is desired to be called.
a) To consider and adopt the report of the Secretary.
b) To consider and approve the audit report and the balance sheet of
the previous year.
c) To consider and approve the Budget Estimates for the next year.
d) To elect the office Bearer of the Association if the Elections are
e) To elect members of the Executive Council if the elections are
f) To Appoint Auditors.
g) To consider resolutions sent in by the member or and to consider
any resolution moved by the President or the Secretary.
3) Special meeting of the Association will transact only the business for
which the meeting has been requisitioned.
30 members shall be the quorum for all kinds of meetings of the General Body of the Association.
However , for an adjourned meeting no quorum shall be necessary.
The President of the Association or in his absence the Vice –President will preside over the meetings of the Association. In the absence of both of them, one of the member present will be voted to the Chair.
8. Meetings of the Executive Council
A (1) (a) At least 3 meetings of the Executive Council shall be held during
calendar year. They will be called ordinary meetings of the Executive
(b) Special meetings shall be called by the president if a written requisition
signed by at least seven members of the Council is presented to him
stating the business for which the meeting is desired to be called.
(2) ordinary Meetings of the Executive Council will consider the Agenda which
is placed before it by the Secretary, or such other items as may be placed
before it by the President under Current Work.
B Special meetings of the Executive Council will transact only that business for
which the meeting has been requisitioned.
C Five members of the Executive Council shall constitute the quorum.
9. Notice of Meetings
1) Meetings of the Association shall be called at a notice of at least 15 days. However,
meetings can be called, in case of emergency, at a shorter notice, as may be
determined by the President.
2) Meetings of the Executive Council shall be called at a notice of at least 7 days.
However, meetings can be called, in case of emergency, at a shorter notice, as
may be determined by the President.
10. Voting and Decision
All the decisions will be taken at the meeting of the Association and the Executive Council by a majority of votes of members present and voting. In case of equal division of votes the Chairman will have a casting vote.
11. Amendment of Constitution and Bye- Laws
(1) A proposal for the amendment of the Constitution of the Association shall be
considered at the Annual General Meeting only. A proposal for an amendment
shall be sent to the Secretary of the Alumni Association at least two months
before the date of Annual General Meeting and shall be circulated by the
secretary of the Association to all the members at least one month before
the Annual General body
(2) For considering an amendment of the constitution not less than 100 members of
the Alumni Association shall be required to be present at the Annual General
Body Meetings.
(3) Subject to provision made in (2) above, an amendment of the constitution shall
require the affirmative vote of not less than two-third of the members present
and voting.
12. If there is any doubt about the interpretation of any clause or sub-clause of the
constitution and the Bye-laws, the interpretation of the President shall be final
and binding.
----- The Decisions taken at the meeting... -----
1) Venue of the AACCA head office - CCA premises, Chandigarh
2) Membership:
- Restricted to ex-CCA students only.
- Final year students shall not be granted AACCA membership.
- Non-CCA graduate faculty shall not be granted AACCA membership but can be involved as special invitees.
3) Fees:
Registration fee Rs. 500/-
Membership fee Rs. 500/- (annual)
Membership fee Rs. 5000/- (lifetime)
4) AACCA counsel:
- Office bearers:
General Secretary (to be held by the Principal(CCA) or Senior-most faculty (CCA-pass out) in case principal is a non-CCA graduate)
Joint Secretaries (2)
- Executive members
5 persons
- Term of the counsel - 2 years
- Person holding the post of the AACCA President cannot stand for a second term and shall vote only in case of an emergency (tie etc.).
5) Meetings to be held once every quarter.
6) Atleast 2 creative projects/programs to be organized every year.(under consideration)
7) AACCA is not averse to providing financial aids by various sources to deserving students bound by guidelines specified by the donor and ensured by the principal(CCA). (under consideration)
----- Proposals from our side... -----
1) Divisional hierarchy of AACCA -
(1) Chapter wise. (subject to min. and max. no. of members forming an region chapter)
(2) Batch wise. (Coordinator for every 3-5 batches)
(for better co-ordination, organization and involvement of alumni members from word-over)
2) Eligibility criteria for all office bearers.
(Age group, no. of terms served as executive member prior to being elected as president etc.)
3) Funds
(1) Sources
(a) From sponsors by organizing various Seminars, Workshops, Joint studios for CCA.
(b) Membership fee.
(2) Expenditure
(a) Starting Scholarships, Awards and grants(based on Academic performance judged by AACCA) and funding trainees.
(b) Funding for research papers.
4) Involvement of CASA in AACCA by including the President and two Alumni coordinators (Final yr & asst. coordinator) as non-voting members in all meetings.
(to facilitate student-alumni interaction and for the student body to put forward the interests of the students and the college)
5) Charter of Activities and Objectives to be formulated and presented to all AACCA members (on its website) after every quarterly meeting.
(in order to foster research, learning and networking amongst the members)
6) Come up with an annual publication of AACCA comprising of activities, achievement, calendar of events, research papers and articles from Alumni .
7) Library membership for alumni by providing the registered members with an ID card which can be used to access the library.
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